From Tip of Hoc to the Gatteville lighthouse

40 min
6 personnes max
Omaha Beach

🙏🏼 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings from 28 May to 05 June 2024 and from 21 July to 11 August 2024.

🎁 Our gift cards are valid for 12 months!


Depart from our private airfield located near Omaha Beach and set off to discover the Cotentin region.

Your flight will begin with the famous Pointe du Hoc, the oyster beds of Grandcamp Maisy before crossing the Baie des Veys, which collects the waters of four rivers!

A mysterious natural site that resembles the Bay of the Somme, where it’s not unusual to spot seals!

You’ll continue your flight along the coast via Utah Beach, the Fort of Ravenoville and the St Marcouf islands offshore.

You’ll arrive opposite the two Vauban Towers of La Hougue and Tatihou (built in 1694), a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

As you pass near St Vaast la Hougue, you may catch sight of the amphibious boat that provides the link to the island of Tatihou.

Very soon from Barfleur, one of the most beautiful ports in France discover facing you the semaphore and lighthouse of Gatteville.


🚁 You’ll be flying aboard an Écureuil H125 B3e helicopter, with 5 or 6 seats (depending on the weight of each passenger, so that everyone is well seated).

3301800 The place

1800€ Private flight
1 to 6
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